Sylvana is part of the MetropolCon team, the editor of Andromeda News and the co-editor of Future Fiction Magazine. In our program, you can find her as moderator for the panel “Future Fiction, Solarpunk und Positive SF: Sind Utopien wirklich so schiwerig?” on Friday from 1:45 to 2:45 pm in Atelier 1.
And here is her TEAM INTERVIEW:
● Please introduce yourself briefly
I live near Heidelberg and work as a senior editor for a science publisher. After studying biology and doing a PhD in neuroscience, I left active work in science, but my job allows me to continue to keep up to date, especially in the field of medicine.
● Why are you part of the MetropolCon team?
Because I would be annoyed if I hadn’t been part of it and helped. It’s important to have events like this, events that think outside the box, into the future and beyond the borders of your own country. And I have rarely met such amenable people. You belong right away, and you quickly find common ground for interesting and stimulating conversations.
● It’s Saturday night at a con: where can people find you?
I’ll probably be at the bar chatting with friends about books and movies and meeting new people along the way.
● What are your wishes for the future of the speculative genres, particularly in Germany?
Positive visions of the future and an openness regarding different ideas from non-English speaking countries.
● Best fictional sidekick of all time?
Donna Noble. The Dr. Who Christmas special was a wonderful distraction the night before my dissertation defense.
● You just won a week-long trip to a fantasy/SF world of your choice: Where will you go?
Tough call. There are just too many that would excite me. But maybe … I’d accompany Dr. Who on his/her travels as a Companion. That would be nicely varied, in any case.
● One work of speculative fiction (whether book or film or series or game) you would strongly recommend we all check out?
Tastes are so different and there are so many. I like the series Babylon 5 a lot and a bit more recently Good Omens and Staged, season 1. I used to be a Star Trek fan and in the past, I would have loved to recommend those series. But that has waned in recent years. And books? Robert Sheckley has written some great stories.