🇩🇪 Writer
Hans Frey, Germanist, teacher, ex-NRW member of the state parliament, Ruhr area fan and book lover, has been using his so-called retirement for several years to work up his old love for science fiction in a journalistic way. The results include the extensive monograph »Der galaktische Voltaire – Die Welten des Isaac Asimo«, the non-fiction book »Philosophie und Science Fiction« and three editions of the SF PERSONALITY series: »Alfred Bester – Tycoon der Science Fiction«, »J. G. Ballard – Science Fiction als Paradoxon” and “James Tiptree Jr. – Zwischen Entfremdung, Liebe und Tod” and of course the first three volumes of the history of German Science Fiction: “Fortschritt und Fiasko” (1810-1918), “Aufbruch in den Abgrund” (1918-1945) and “Optimismus und Overkill” (1945-1968). He is also the editor of the series WIEDERENTDECKTE SCHÄTZE DER DEUTSCHSPRACHIGEN SCIENCE FICTION, which invites readers, researchers, and libraries alike to rediscover classic gems and forgotten foundational texts in the German language.
Hans Frey was awarded the Kurd Laßwitz Prize in 2021 for his non-fiction books on the history of German-language science fiction »Fortschritt und Fiasko« und »Aufbruch in den Abgrund« .