🇩🇪 Association
The Interessenverband Fantasy und Science Fiction pursues the goal of strengthening the relevance of the human imagination in all its forms of expression and especially in its playful aspects in society, as well as promoting its dissemination, social and economic exploitation, and scientific research.
In our understanding, the ways of thinking of fantasy and science fiction and the methods of their formats, such as world building in board, card and social and role-playing games, computer games or literature, hold important tools to provide new solutions to pressing current challenges, such as social and economic inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, and many more. One of ivfsf’s goals is to harness these opportunities.
The ivfsf pursues the goal of professionalization in all areas of SFF culture/media and to contribute to a balance of the interests of the different stakeholders in these areas. The association sees itself as a voice of the people who are professionally involved with fantasy and science fiction in all conceivable facets in Germany.
It explains and represents the interests, points of view and concerns of companies, market participants as well as other individuals and associations of persons dealing with fantasy and science fiction towards legislation, administration and the public.
The association promotes better visibility and thus perception of its topics, and carries this mentality into society. As a network, the association connects authors, game designers, game directors, illustrators, companies, and interested parties with each other.