Here is a short introduction to our team. Interviews with the individual members will be posted below as they are published.

Dr. Claudia Rapp Chair | Program | Networking & PR | Translations #translation #vegan #SeaFever #ZombiesAndTentacles Twitter: @ClaudiaRappDE | Constanze Hofmann Vice Chair | Documentation | Volunteers | Timeline #HugoVoter #CraftingAtCons #TravelTravelTravel #Sustainability Mastodon: |
Grit Richter Graphic Design | PR | Program #FemalePublisher #DoctorWho Threads: @asp_verlag | Patric Schirrmann IT | in charge of the engine room (domains, providers, infrastructure) #StillMissingDouglasAdams #LifeIsRidingABicycle #GamerSince1984 #LifeWasEasyWhenItWasBoring |
Ivo Schwarz Head of Program #BooksAndBeer #ShareAndEnjoy Twitter: @SchwarzIvo | Alexa Pukall Program #GermanSpeculativeFiction #WritingCommunity #wanderlust (photo credit: Ana Da Costa) |
Anja Stephan Program | PR & Newsletter Queen #Leipzig #TikTok #dubistmehralsdeineproduktivität #simonedebeauvoirhatauchniegekocht TikTok: @queenanyasvolvo | Christian Schütz PR | IT #worldcon #ItsJustAHobby #IAmTooOldForThis Twitter: @ChristianSchue9 |
Francesca Kühlers Translation | PR #AccessibilityForAll #SmashTheKyriarchy #SingItLowerFilkItBetter #FictionForABetterFuture twitter: @_frankcesca | Dominik Irtenkauf Program | Finances #ScienceFiction #SpeculativeFiction #Philosophy #Experiment #HermesMessengerOfTheGods #Dune #Podcasting #ClimateFiction #Burroughs #Cyberpunk |
Sylvana Freyberg Editor at-con material | Volunteers | Program | Ralf Bayer Tech & Infrastructure #ThisIsNotMyHugo |
Ralf Boldt Treasurer | Linda Sack #Writer #Editor #FantasyAuthor |
Julia Ehrenberg #BookBlogger #HarpPlayer #FuntasyFan | Amandara Schulzke #Networking #MeadAndMarkets |