We are delighted that you want to be part of MetropolCon 2026. You can purchase your membership here:
Für Deutsch, klicke bitte auf die 🇩🇪 Flagge oben auf der Seite.
Explanatory notes on your purchase & attendance:
Reduced rate memberships: The reduced membership rate applies to students (school, college, university) and apprentices between the ages of 12 and 26. Please bring an appropriate form of identification to prove your elegibility at the door. For children under the age of 12 accompanied by a parent or guardian, there is the option “Kind/Child.”
Pre-Supporters (you know who you are) also select the reduced rate, please. You’re on our list.
Please note: The membership purchase is binding, a refund is excluded. If you want to pass your membership to another person, please contact us afterwards and we will issue it to the new name. In this case, please contact membership@metropolcon.eu
Access: We want to give as many people as possible the opportunity to participate in MetropolCon. Accessibility in all its aspects is important to us. If you have access support needs in an area (mobility, vision or hearing impairment, neurodiversity or others), please check this option. We’ll contact you by email as soon as we have a better overview over our options.
Donations/Solidarity Fund: Attending a con is not financially feasible for everyone, especially if you add travel, accommodation, and food costs to the membership fee. If you want to help more people to attend; if you want to support those for whom the costs are a major obstacle, you can donate any amount in addition to your membership fee. Please enter the desired amount in the appropriate box.
At a later date, we will invite applications for sponsored memberships, funded by the above donations. Donated funds will only be used for this purpose. If the funds exceed the demand for attendance free of charge, they may be used for further support of disadvantaged participants (e.g. travel grants) or transferred to the donation “basket” for the next MetropolCon.
Press tickets: If you want to cover the event, please apply for a press ticket by sending an email to vorstand [at] metropolcon.eu. We need a written assignment or confirmation from the media you write or pohotograph for, as well as info on your plans for pre-event coverage. Here you can subscribe to the press mailing list/ newsletter.
General meeting: If you only want to attend the annual general meeting of the Science Fiction Club Deutschland SFCD e.V., you do not need to buy a membership. But that also means that you miss the chance to experience the rest of the wonderful program.
Memberships: Within our web page, we use features and content embedded from pretix, a service provided by rami.io GmbH, Berthold-Mogel-Straße 1, 69126 Heidelberg, Germany. Part of this is our ticket shop which is included through a JavaScript widget. If you try to purchase a ticket, pretix will use cookies to make your purchase process possible and to remember which tickets are in your cart. This cookie will only be set once you start interacting with the pretix widget. pretix does not store any IP addresses, browser information or other unnecessary meta data beyond the timeframe of your transaction. You can find out more about privacy at pretix here: https://pretix.eu/about/en/privacy
Still confused about what membership means? Read this!